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    Orinoco / A NEW!! Jointed Dancer Fucsia

    A NEW!! Jointed Dancer Fucsia


    Adding new flies to the catalogue. Jungle fly fishing is best with more alternatives.

    Jointed flies are no strangers to jungle waters, I just added a synthetic flat saddle hackle to the tail that makes the fly move even more. Something like dancing can-can jerking and diving.

    Peacock bass go crazy with this kind of action and its not specific to them. No predator in any water would refuse the dance, the flash and the profile.

    Fucsia head with a mix of pink/chartreuse and a white flat wing. One of the best colors for black waters or clear or murky or any! This fly will be sensed, seen, watched and thrashed!!

    6″ long tied on 4/0 hook


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